
Physical and Computation Chemistry

Professor David Lee PHILLIPS   裴達偉
Chair Professor 講座教授
B.Sc. (Iowa); Ph.D. (UC Irvine); Postdoctoral (Rochester)
Room 104, Hui Oi Chow Science Building
(852) 3917 2160

Research Topics:   Time-resolved spectroscopy, Reactive intermediates and reaction mechanisms, Water assisted reactions, Photoredox reactions, Photodeprotection, Photoactivated cancer therapy and drug delivery

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0002-8606-8780
Professor Guanhua CHEN   陳冠華
Professor, Chair of Theoretical Chemistry 講座教授
B.Sc. (Fudan); Ph.D. (Caltech); Postdoctoral (Rochester)
Room 605, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 2164

Professor Jinyao TANG   唐晋堯
Associate Head (Research)
Professor 教授
B.A. (USTC); Ph.D. (Columbia); Postdoctoral (UCBerkeley)
Room 402, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 4696

Research Topic:   Soft materials, Active matter physics, Renewable energy, Nanomaterials

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0002-0051-148X
Professor Ivan Keung CHU   朱强
Associate Professor 副教授
B.Sc. (Victoria); Ph.D. (CityUHK)
Room 502, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 2152

Research Topics:   Mass spectrometry, Ion-chemistry, Radical-mediated protein oxidation, Separation

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0003-0652-975X
Professor Renhao DONG 董人豪
Associate Professor 副教授
B.Sc, Ph.D. (SDU); Postdoctoral (MPIP-Mainz & TU Dresden)
Room 301, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Buildiing

Research Topics: MOFtronics, 2D electronic materials, Functional crystalline polymer,  2D polymers,  COFs, Interface assembly, Interface synthesis, Organic electronics, Membrane separation, Electrochemical energy technologies

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0002-4125-9284
 Job Opportunities

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Professor Jun YANG   楊軍
Associate Professor 副教授
B.Sc., M.Sc. (Peking); Ph.D. (Köln); Postdoctoral (Princeton)
Room 409, Hui Oi Chow Science Building
(852) 3917 6074

Research Topics:   Quantum chemistry, Electronic structure theory, Low-scaling methodology, Computational modelling

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0001-8701-9297
Professor Philip Yong-Xin LI   李泳新
Assistant Professor 助理教授
B.Sc. (Peking); Ph.D., Postdoctoral (HKUST)
Room 305, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 2156

Research Topics:  Natural Products, Microbiome, Big data genome mining, Synthetic biology, Biosynthesis

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0003-4422-2302
Professor Edmund Chun Ming TSE   謝俊銘
Assistant Professor 助理教授
B.Sc. (Virginia); Ph.D. (Illinois); Postdoctoral (Caltech)
Room 403, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 8943

Research Topics:   Electrocatalysis, Bio​-inspired interfaces, Bioinorganic enyzmes, Self-assembling materials, Renewable energy, Biochemical pathways, Cancer bioinformatics

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0002-9313-1290
 Job Opportunities

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