
Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery

Professor Xiaoyu LI   李笑宇
Head of Department
Professor 教授
B.Sc. (Peking); Ph.D. (Chicago); Postdoctoral (Harvard)
Room 8N-22, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building
(852) 3917 3383

Research Topics:   Drug discovery, Molecular probes, DNA-encoded library, Target identification, Protein labeling

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0002-8907-6727
Zhou Guangzhao Professorship in Natural Sciences
Professor Chi-Ming CHE   支志明
Chair Professor 講座教授
B.Sc., Ph.D. (HKU); Postdoctoral (Caltech)
(1) 505 Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building, Main Campus; (2) Room 810D The Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, Sassoon Road Campus
(852) 3917 2154 (Main Campus); (852) 2831 5558 (Sassoon Road Campus)

Research Topics:   Inorganic and organic synthesis, Green oxidations, Reactive metal-ligand multiple-bonded metal complexes​, C-H functionalizations, Luminescent materials, Self-assembled nanostructured materials, Bioinorganic chemistry, ​Inorganic medicines

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0002-2554-7219
 Job Opportunities
Norman and Cecilia Yip Professorship in Bioinorganic Chemistry
Professor Hongzhe SUN   孫紅哲
Chair Professor 講座教授
B.Sc. (Huabei); M.Sc. (CAS Wuhan); Ph.D. (London)
Room 304, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 8974

Research Topics:   Biosensor, Antibiotics, Metallomics, Metalloproteomics, Integrative biology

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0001-6697-6899
Professor David Xiang LI   李祥
Professor 教授
B.Sc. (Fudan); Ph.D. (HKU); Postdoctoral (Rockefeller)
Room 8N-12, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building
(852) 3917 3777

Research Topics:   Protein-protein interaction, Posttranslational modification, Epigenetics, Chemical proteomics, Target identification

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0002-2797-4134
Morningside Professorship in Chemical Biology
Professor Xuechen LI   李學臣
Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) of Faculty of Science
Professor 教授
B.Sc. (Nankai); M.Sc. (Alberta); Ph.D. (Harvard); Postdoctoral (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center/Columbia)
Room 405, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 4992

Research Topics:   Protein chemical synthesis, Protein chemistry, Chemical glycobiology, Protein bioconjugation, Drugs, Antibiotics, Antibody-drug conjugates antiviral agents, Peptide, Carbohydrate, Natural product, Total synthesis, Peptide modification

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0001-5465-7727
 Job Opportunities
Professor Ivan Keung CHU   朱强
Associate Professor 副教授
B.Sc. (Victoria); Ph.D. (CityUHK)
Room 502, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 2152

Research Topics:   Mass spectrometry, Ion-chemistry, Radical-mediated protein oxidation, Separation

Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0003-0652-975X
Professor Haibo JIANG  蔣海波
Associate Professor 副教授
B.Sc (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Ph.D. (Oxford); Postdoctoral (Oxford)
Room 603, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 2155

Research Topics: Imaging, Metabolism, Cell biology, Chemical biology


Self Photos / Files - orcid 0000-0002-2384-4826
Professor Kou OKURO  大黒 耕
Associate Professor 副教授
B.Sc. (Keio); M. Eng., Ph.D. (Tokyo)
Room 401, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building, HKU
(852) 3910 2195

Research Topics:   Supramolecular chemistry, Biomaterials, Soft materials, Optochemical biology 

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0003-0445-6358
Professor Jian HE   何健
Assistant Professor 助理教授
B.Sc. (Zhejiang); Ph.D. (Scripps); Postdoctoral (Caltech)
Room 501, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building, HKU
(852) 3910 2193

Research Topics:   Catalysis, Metal organic frameworks, Photochemistry, Radical chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Artificial enzymes

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0002-3388-3239
Professor Ying LI   李瑛
Assistant Professor 助理教授
B.Sc. (Tsinghua); Ph.D. (Ilinois); Postdoctoral (UCIrvine)
Room 406, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 4824

Group Website:

Research Topics:   RNA localization, RNA modification, RNA-protein interaction, Biomaterials

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0002-0438-449X
Professor Philip Yong-Xin LI   李泳新
Assistant Professor 助理教授
B.Sc. (Peking); Ph.D., Postdoctoral (HKUST)
Room 305, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 2156

Research Topics:  Natural Products, Microbiome, Big data genome mining, Synthetic biology, Biosynthesis

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0003-4422-2302
Professor Edmund Chun Ming TSE   謝俊銘
Assistant Professor 助理教授
B.Sc. (Virginia); Ph.D. (Illinois); Postdoctoral (Caltech)
Room 403, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry Building
(852) 3917 8943

Research Topics:   Electrocatalysis, Bio​-inspired interfaces, Bioinorganic enyzmes, Self-assembling materials, Renewable energy, Biochemical pathways, Cancer bioinformatics

Self Photos / Files - orcid  0000-0002-9313-1290
 Job Opportunities

Group Website (Worldwide):

Group Website (Mainland):