Date 02 Jul 2024
Time 2 July 2024: 13:30 - 18:00; 3 July 2024: 08:30 - 18:05
Venue Lecture Theatre CYPP3, LG1/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building
Institution Organized by:

State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry,
HKU-CAS Joint Laboratory on New Materials,
Department of Chemistry,
The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Self Photos / Files - Schedule-ISMM-2024_page-0001Self Photos / Files - Schedule-ISMM-2024_page-0002Self Photos / Files - Schedule-ISMM-2024_page-0003Self Photos / Files - Schedule-ISMM-2024_page-0004Self Photos / Files - Schedule-ISMM-2024_page-0005Self Photos / Files - Schedule-ISMM-2024_page-0006This Symposium aims to provide an interactive platform for leading researchers and scientists from Mainland China, Hong Kong and the international community to discuss frontier advances in inorganic and
organic materials, especially on molecular carbon materials and molecular functional materials, present their research and development perspectives, exchanging scientific findings, cultivate mutual understanding, and promote collaborations.

Chairman: Prof. Chi-Ming Che

Honorary Chairman: Prof. Klaus Müllen

Organizing Committee: Prof. Zhaohui Wang, Prof. Jishan Wu, Prof. Xinliang Feng, Prof. Linjie Zhi, Prof.
Jinyao Tang, Prof. Junzhi Liu.

Local Organizer: Prof. Junzhi Liu

State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry
HKU-CAS Joint Laboratory on New Materials
Department of Chemistry
The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Time: 01-04 July, 2024,
(01.07.2023: Arrival; 02-03.07.2023: Symposium; 04.07.2023: Departure)

Venue: Lecture Theatre CYPP3, LG1/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, Main Campus

Registration (No registration fee):
If you are interested in this ISMM, please send the email to; if you are willing to give an oral presentation, please also send the email to
If you need an invitation letter to apply for a visa or Hong Kong/Macau endorsement, please send the email