Teaching of Chemistry, along with Physics and Pure and Applied Mathematics, were offered at HKU
HKU Faculty of Science was established with Chemistry being one of the founding departments, along with Biology, Mathematics and Physics
Northcote Science Building on Pokfulam Road was opened, housing Chemistry in the second floor.
Ms. Wai Haan Hui first joined the Department as Demonstrator. Ms. Hui became a long time and well-respected lecturer who taught many generations of students, and over 60-year association with the Department and the Faculty. She also did research on plant natural products, and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1968. She retired from teaching but remained in the Department as Research Associate until 1990. She also made generous donations to HKU and has a research Chair in her name.
Ms. Dorothy Ada Collins joined the Department of Chemistry in 1948 as a Lecturer. Mrs. Collins was to have a long relationship with the Department as a teacher, and Warden of the Duchess of Kent Hall from 1961-75. After her retirement, she continued working voluntarily at HKU as an honorary research fellow from 1975-78, and as an honorary associate from 1978 until she passed away in 2002.